Move a Pimcore Platform to blackbit-hosting.io.
After transferring numerous Pimcore installations to our Pimcore hosting, we know: No two Pimcore installations are the same. Every agency has its own style and its own development guidelines. These are often geared towards root servers and simple container hosting. These Pimcore installations are often not optimized for operation in a distributed system. Likewise, proven methods for ensuring the secure operation of Pimcore are sometimes not or not sufficiently taken into account.
Since we want to ensure the secure and reliable operation of your Pimcore installation, a QuickCheck and the resulting individual onboarding is indispensable.
Please use our calendar to arrange a free, non-binding initial consultation.
Write to Us
Ernst-Ruhstrat-Str. 6
37079 Goettingen
Phone: +49 [551] 5 06 75 50
Reimerstwiete 17-18
20457 Hamburg
Phone: +49 [40] 70 97 50 72
Schinkestrasse 2
12047 Berlin
Phone: +49 [30] 96 62 99 99
Dorohozhytska St, 3
04119 Kyiv
Phone: +380 [63] 779 75 32